Tips to Extend the Life of Your Phone Charger

by Robert Mullins

When your phone's battery life is getting dangerously low, you first hunt for a charger. However, it must be stressed that these electronic devices are also valuable commodities. Those of you who use Apple products should take extra care of the charger to prevent it from breaking down quickly. The early accessories for smartphones are just as expensive as the handsets themselves. It can cost a lot of money just to replace a charger if an accessory is lost or broken. Damage to chargers can result from both careless handling and prolonged storage. Here are some suggestions for extending the life of your apple charger.


Tips for Keeping Your Chargers in Good State

In their haste to leave the house, smartphone owners regularly pull on the charging wire, ultimately damaging the connector. It is not a good idea to form the habit of pushing strongly on the cord whenever you are attaching or removing the charger because there is a possibility that this could cause damage.

Most people do not give the coil of the charging cable much care, even though improper handling of it might cause damage to the device. Because the wires in the cable are fragile and can easily become frayed if they are handled violently, it is essential to use extreme caution when winding it.

You will have the answer to your problem if you carefully coil it up, loop the cord three or four times, and then tuck the ends of the cord inside the loop. Because of this, the issue may now be considered completely resolved. It is imperative that the wire not be bent in any way, much less crushed.

If you attach a spring to the end of your charger wire, it will become less flexible and, as a result, more secure. If you are worried about your safety, following this course of action is the most prudent option for you to do. In addition to that, you need to give some thought to utilizing the cable protector. It has the appearance of a telephone cord made of threads.

Not only do cable protectors in bright colors keep cables safe, but they can also boost the wires' aesthetic value. Not only does this cable shield protect your cords from injury, but it also makes it simple to disconnect them when they are not in use.

We frequently forget to unplug our chargers even after it has reached their maximum capacity, which is probably because we are too lazy to do so. If you do this, the cord and the wall adapter that comes with the charger won't last as long.

If you want the charging chord that comes with your phone to last as long as possible, you should make it a practice to unplug the device as soon as it is fully charged so that you don't leave it plugged in.

This is a typical problem that can result in the charging cable for the iPhone becoming damaged. This is caused by the fact that the cable is frequently moved to different areas.

When you are away from home, the power bank is connected to the charging cable, whereas when you are at home, the same cable is connected to the wall charger. A second common configuration involves using the same charging connection to connect the adaptor and the portable power supply. If you continue to do that, the charging cord that came with your iPhone will undoubtedly become damaged.

If you intend to use your electronic devices while you are away from home, you should bring extra charging cables with you. Because of this, the lifespan of your charger will be increased.



Many individuals today try to get more use out of the charger that comes with their smartphones since they are aware that cables and adaptors for charging devices can be expensive to purchase. As a result of this, you need to take precautions to avoid damaging your charger by following our advice, which includes disconnecting it from the wall outlet gently, correctly wrapping the wire, using a protector, and having a backup cable readily available.

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